Monday, January 3, 2011

January First

The First day of the new year is always an exciting one.  It's the First day of the rest of your life.  Your slate has been wiped clean and makes for the perfect blank canvas to do all of the things you wish you would have done sooner.  In the month of January you can do anything....then February comes and the buzz of January begins to wear down.  Next, March comes and January seems like so long ago.  All of the goals that you once set for yourself are now long gone and distant memories.  Now, you find yourself content with being a lesser version of your true self.  Why start now a quarter of the year has just passed you by.  But, who is to say January First should be limited to the one day in the calendar year to never be seen or spoken of again until the following year.  January First is a state of mind.  A state that is non self sabotaging.  Everyday we are blessed with the chance to wake up we should treat it like January First.  No more excuses, no more living the rest of your life below your standards because you screwed it up yesterday.  That's what this blog is all about.  An opportunity to share my 365 experiences of January First.  Experiences in an attempt to become a better version of myself - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Today - January 3rd - I embarked on a journey that most of us have gone on before again, and again, and again.  The primary reason for beginning this blog is to journal weight loss, but weight loss is influenced by all aspects of our lives.  So, you will likely see journals of struggles with proper exercise, diet, relationships, and more.  Enough of the chatter I'm not going to save myself in one day.  So join me as we endure all 365 January Firsts together.

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